
Digital Learning

This week in our English club we are speaking about Digital Learning.

We have been speaking about technology for the past few weeks – behaviors that are accpetable or not acceptable with our mobile phones, and also the pros and cons of new technology – the wealth of information, but also endless ways to be distracted and waste time!

Now we are going to take a look at digital learning, the educational possibilities that come with new technology.

These days, whenever we want to find something out, we don’t open up a big, old encyclopedia.  We go directly to our nearest computer, phone or tablet and type our question into a search engine.  We can learn lots of things online on YouTube for example by watching different tutorials.

The internet is a great resource for learning languages.  We can find videos, blogs, explanations, exercices, even new friends to practice our language with.

But do you think this new technology will replace schools in the future?  What is the future of education?

Here is a video to watch called “The Voice of an Active Learner” – Listen along to practice your English, and also see if you agree with the speaker’s thoughts about the future of education:

Here is another video.  See how online learning is already being used in classrooms today:

What do you think about online learning?